Descendant Statistics of Andrew Newcomb 1618-1686
Generation Descendants Spouses
1 1 1
2 3 6
3 23 21
4 88 82
5 287 208
6 637 449
7 1484 1124
8 3493 2450
9 5636 3146
10 5213 2445
11 2981 770
12 1167 509
13 901 341
14 505 89
15 142 13
16 15 0
Total 22576 11654


Descendant Statistics of Francis (1605-1692)

Generation  Descendants Spouses
1 1 1
1 10 12
54 28
4 88 65
5 164 96
6 242 161
7 497 303
8 666 252
9 344 118
10 147 82
11 157 117
12 259 135
13 284 140
14 217 13
15 27 0
Total 3157 1523

Brad Wilson has keyed in BM Newcomb's 1923 genealogy. Here is the count of descendants of Andrew Newcomb (1618- 1686) including all those individuals listed in BMN plus whatever others have sent him so far. Please feel free to keep it coming. :

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Converted to html July 29, 1998 by Ken Newcombe
revised March 2, 2000