I have practiced photography part time for a few decades and have been working full time at nature photography for the last several years, specializing in artful images of birds and wildlife. I enjoy photographing birds in flight or unusual situations. Photo credits include American and Canadian Newspapers, websites, magazines, books, periodicals, advertising literature, conservation authority placards and signs as well as inspirational images for paintings. Canadian clients include: The Hamilton Spectator, Royal Botanical Gardens and Royal Canadian Mint. My work is featured in “Birds of Hamilton” to be published shortly. I conduct Workshops throughout the year on various aspects of nature photography and photo editing. My digital portfolio exceeds 100,000 images. K.N.
Images on this website are
©Ken Newcombe and are not to be copied, printed or reproduced
in any form without written permission from
Ken Newcombe.
Email: Ken
Site and contents © 2006 Ken Newcombe